Monday, January 20, 2014

Coupon Deal! And Some Helpful Advise

My latest hobby is couponing. I just started a few months ago.  I'm not a super couponer by any means. But, just this past week I found a deal that was particularly good, so I thought I would share it with you.
It involves using a coupon for $2.00 off two bottles of All Detergent from,  and a sale at Smiths (which lasts till Tuesday 1/21/14 ). The detergent was 2/$5.00 for each 50 oz. bottle. Not bad, but with the coupon it brought the cost down to $1.50 a bottle. Meaning I spent only $3.00 for a semester worth of laundry detergent. That's Great!

In the past little while I have been privy to some advise and helpful observations, which I would like to share with you now. First only use coupon on products that you know you will be buy. This seems obvious, but sometimes when I look over the coupons that are out I find myself clipping ones that aren't relevant to me or the prodeuct that i already buy. The coupon-frenzy begins in my brain and before I know it I have 11 pages printed out and a lot of paper wasted. Which brings me to my next point:

Second, realize that you are still spending money. Coupons are to help stretch your dollar not fill the gap between what you have and the quality of life you think you deserve. Use coupons on the things you by most and put the money saved into savings or towards some other good household cause. You will be surprised how much it adds up to.

Now to the good stuff!

Third, gather lots of coupons on the things you buy most, and have a way of organizing them. Use newspaper adds, coupons for websites like these (listed below) and sales adds to make the most of your couponing superpower.
Smart Source
P&G Everyday
Live Rich With Coupons
The Krazy Coupon Lady
Red Plum

Always be sure to read the fine print. Weather it saves on two products or one makes a difference, so pay attention. Also be sure you know when they expire. I keep mine in a small organizer (only $1.00 at Walmart) Arranged by category then by expiration date.

Fourth, be patient, wait for the sales. This can be agonizing to do but when everything lines up it is worth the wait. As a general rule of thumb items usually go on sale once every 6-8 weeks. Have your coupons printed and ready to go before the sale that you know is around the corner and be ready when it happens. Sometimes you don't know items are on sale until you stumble upon them in the store, so be prepared and be patient.

Fifth, cease the day! Be ready when the items you've been waiting for go on sale, then go get'em tiger! (Only as much as you have means, and storage space at home to do so)
Couponing can be really fun once you get he hang of it. Fill your home with good things without breaking the bank. Good luck, and Cease the day!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Breakfast cake anyone?

Growing up my siblings and I would have what we called breakfast cake on rare and special occasions. To most of the world it is known as coffee cake. But no! Not to any child calling themselves a Mygrant. No sir! This here is breakfast cake! 'Nough said, lets cook!

The base for this most wonder way to start the day is simply 1 muffin recipe. Use your favorite muffin recipe, but forgo including nutmeg or fruit. I like to use the one found in The Joy of Cooking. Sweet, moist, fluffy and simple. Make sure it's one you like or it will be all for not. For comparison this makes 12 standard sizes muffins. If your cooking for a bigger crowd be sure to increase your recipe by a half or double it. I usually make a single recipe of muffins but I think 1.5 of a recipe would have worked better for the pan I was using today.

Preheat the oven to 350 F. Grease one 9x13in pan. After assembling your ingredients and making your muffin base place it in the pan. Set aside

The secret to a good breakfast cake is in the topping. This is where your patience is needed the most! If you don't crumble for long enough it will be dry and unpleasant. This takes time and do not expect to master it in the first go. Mix together 1/4 cup all-purpose flour, 1 cup white sugar, and 2 tablespoons cinnamon. Cut in 1/2 cup (1 stick) cold to room temperature butter. Continue to cut in until it resembles a course mill.

This part is, in my opinion, the most difficult. It take endurance and patience. Here is what the process looks like...

Cutting in...

still cutting in...


The trick is to keep cutting and stirring till it starts to shimmer and there are no more dull  parts. The photos don't show the shimmer very well, but trust me you will know is when you see it.

Spread on top of the muffin dough by the spoonful all the way to the edges of the pan, careful to not mix it in. Nothing is worse then a naked piece of breakfast cake.

Use your spoon of a fork to push some of the topping into the muffin dough. This will create pockets of cinnamon goodness that everyone will fight over.

Bake for 25-30 minuets in a 350 F oven.
