Sunday, November 17, 2013

Nothing but us wall flowers...

Living in a rented apartment often means that there are stiff rules that don't always make it easy for you to make your home feel like home. No, I'm not talking about candle and pets being forbidden today I refer to the rule that has been a thorn in my side, a decoration disaster, and a dark cloud over my utilitarian nature. I am talking about not being able to make holes of any size in my walls.
Just to be clear I do not want to knock down a wall or install a small window in my kitchen, I simply want to decorate, and hang picture frames without having to keep Spackle on hand. I don't wish to take revenge on my apartment managers only beat them at this apartment decorating gain. If any of you have been privy to this heinous contractual stipulation then join me in showing our landlords that they are not the masters of our domains, but we are.
Today we will construct the cute, sweet decoration known as: The Wallflower.

To start this project you will need the following:
7-10 toilet paper rolls
some paint: spray or acrylic (either work great)
hot glue gun
and your best fiendishly clever smile. >: D

1. Fold you rolls in half so they lay flat. Measure and mark your rolls in half inch increments, and then cut along the half inch marks.
It might be cute to not fold one in half so you can have a circular center piece in yellow (or another color).

2. Paint on all surfaces except the surfaces that will face the wall.

3. After they have dried it is time to assemble.

For the first step in assembly you will need to atach five together in a flower shape with hot glue or two sided tape.

Next insert more petals in the inner spaces of the first round of petals. (As seen below)

After your first two rounds of petals add two petals on either side of every petal in the first round, and one just above it. Here you can see what that looks like when it's done to one of the original petals...

and two (Makes it look like a butter fly)...

and all!

Next you simply need to insert petals in every crevice till it is circular in shape. At first it is only a mater of inserting two above the second round of petals, then a pattern of inserting two petals and one petal all the way around. 

Here is what it looks like completely finished. 

To attach to a wall there are a few methods you can use. On the back of mine I squeezed out some hot glue at several points on the back. AFTER WAITING FOR THE GLUE TO COOL (and the paint to dry)...  place it on the wall. If you don't wait long enough you will damage the wall and get some of the paint on it. You want to wait till the glue is cool yet malleable. Another method to employ would be to use double sided tape, sticky tack, or adhesive strips. 

P.S. It is also super cute if you can use the scraps to make a few small flowers to liven up the room too. 

After making this you can say with your fiendish smile "Ha! Take that fee happy landlord! I got around your rule, and I did it with style. :P" (But not to their face, of course. That would be very rude)

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